Tracy Chu admits my spouse thoughts with regard to Justin Ng

Tracy Chu admits my spouse thoughts with regard to Justin Ng: I most certainly will broadcast to help everyone as soon as planning a wedding.

Tracy Chu (朱千雪) is exposed for dating doctor, Justin Ng and having vacation together in Singapore earlier. However, she denied he was her boyfriend and not dating at all: “Who says we are dating? We know each other since small and having vacation together during our free time only. His mother and sister follow us as well. (Do you have feelings for him?) Comfort is most important and please do not ask me too much details. How do you expect me to answer? He works in another industry and I do not want him to have any disturbances. (Rejecting other suitors?) I have no idea and do not have any suitors now. Anyway, I will announce to everybody if getting married.”


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